
Team name School/organisation Social Action Idea Link
Discovery Mind Crusaders Sheaf Training Friendship Friday is- A lunchtime club where people who feel left out can socialise with other people in Sheaf. An opportunity to meet new friends and have fun. Providing activities that people are comfortable with and makes them feel good about themselves. View
Team Talbot Talbot Specialist School Our idea to to clean up our community. We are planning on doing litter picks on the school grounds, the local woodland (Lees Hall Woodland) and local parks when we are out and about. We share the school grounds with Newfield School. We are going to do an anti littering campaign for Talbot school and are going to attempt to include Newfield School. We are thinking of making an anti littering video and posters. We will provide updates to the school in assemblies on how we are getting on. (We have considered doing a litter picking challenge to see which class within school can collect the most litter, but we will need to see the viability of this). View
Seven Hills gardeners Seven Hills School To improve our outdoor space at the Bridge to make it a welcoming and interesting gardening area for students and staff, by adding colourful outdoor decorations, bird feeders and planting a range of vegetables and flowers. View
3HM Heros Seven Hills School We are making bird houses for our community garden View
The Wellbeing Warriors Seven Hills School Pupils in 3RH will take part in organising a fundraising "wellbeing day" with different sports and activities that pupils can be sponsored to do. They hope to invite parents and carers to this event and promote it throughout the school, to get as much support as possible. They would also like to involve Talbot's post-16 department to build a stronger sense of community between the two schools which work alongside each other at The Bridge. View
Neurotastic Sheaf Training To create earrings and possibly other small items to sell to fundraise for a local food waste charity, Food Works. View
Dunella Delights Endeavour Intergenerational project to help connect the community of Wisewood. We are in the early stages of our idea but it might be based around community event/fair/cook up style events. View
Plastic aint fantastic Sheaf Training We will be trying to eliminate the high levels of plastic waste at College by monitoring the usage of plastic cups and introducing reusable water bottles to students. View
3LT Allotment Crew Seven Hills School We are working together to transform an unused green space into a community allotment area. View
Endeavour Explorers Endeavour Community Centre We have a plot of land that needs a lot of gardening and DIY, such as Bird building, bug hotel etc, planting. This is based at Tinsley canal. I am wanting to make this into a lovely place for young people to have picnics and BBQ when we are canoeing in summer. View
Discovery 3 Sheaf Training, Norwood Road S5 7BH The students have decided to create Neuro-Boundary Badges. Please see below for more information. View
Community Action Team Seven Hills School Pupils in 3TD have chosen to help take part in organising a fundraising "wellbeing day" with different sports and activities that pupils can be sponsored to do. They hope to invite parents and carers to this event and promote it throughout the school, to get as much support as possible. They would also like to involve Talbot's post-16 department to build a stronger sense of community between the two schools which work alongside each other at The Bridge. View
Helping hands Parkwood Academy To raise money for people in Palestine. View

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